How To Make Your Cat's Recovery After Dental Surgery More Comfortable

8 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

In order to be a good cat parent, regular dental care for your kitty is a must. However, like with humans, sometimes dental care calls for tooth extractions. If your kitty has undergone tooth extractions or another kind of dental surgery, he or she may be in some discomfort for the days to come. However, as a pet parent, there are steps you can take to reduce this discomfort.

Avoid Incision Area

Chances are your veterinarian is going to send you home with some medications for your cat, like antibiotics and pain relievers. It is absolutely necessary that you give these medications to your cat regularly, as prescribed. However, prying open your kitty's mouth to do so could cause more pain if you touch the areas that were operated on.

Ask your veterinarian to show you where your cat's incisions are. When you give your cat medicine, open their mouth away from the incision sites, and avoid touching them with a syringe or the medication. Your vet can also show you the best techniques for giving medication if you've never done it before.

Wet Food Only

For a few days following your cat's procedure, it's a good idea to stick with wet food. Avoid kibble, hard cat treats, and chunks of meat, as these can all cause pain in the areas that are healing. If your cat hurts while trying to eat, they may become afraid of eating. They need the nutrients and calories in food more than ever while they're healing, so you don't want to discourage them from trying to eat.

Simply stick to soft or liquidy foods while they're recovering from their procedure. If you're unsure how long they need to eat soft food, talk to your vet to find out when the incisions will start to close.

Monitor for Complications

Lastly, make sure to keep an eye on your cat to ensure that their pain level isn't rising. With proper medicating and care, your kitty should recover quickly. However, there are instances where complications can arise, like unexpected bleeding or infections. Catching these problems early on can save your cat from a great deal of pain.

Look for signs of bleeding, swelling, or redness at the surgical site. If your cat begins to become more reclusive or paws at their face, this could also indicate increased pain levels. Seek help from a vet if you notice any of these problems.

Veterinarians work closely with animals and know how to keep them from suffering needlessly after medical procedures like dental surgery. If you think your cat is in an abnormal amount of pain or you experience difficulty with any of these steps, talk to your veterinarian for additional assistance.

You can also contact a center like Berlin Township Animal Hospital to learn more.

